Ministry Stories
New Church
September 18, 2024

Journey of Faith

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Thankful for a strong ministry season, and new growth, and grateful for God’s lead on the new initiatives ahead of us. This group of women has not only grown close in community but also in their journey of faith. We praise God for the mom’s, families, and volunteers that He has called in to this ministry. We are thankful for the lifelong friendships that are being formed and the welcoming of new families that we anticipate in August of 2024 when we open our doors to our Ministry Partnerships and the greater surrounding community for midweek worship and potluck.

We give thanks that those who attend find themselves in a safe place to share and be a place where they can really come as they are. They are provided with resources that really give them a sense of hope and in turn they begin to see God’s workings in their life. Their biggest prayer is that this will continue to be a safe place for growth and sharing even when we open our doors to the community.

When asked where the mom’s saw God this ministry season we heard things like, “I’ve learned to take time to be still”, “I’ve learned that prayer really works”, “I feel grateful. When things get rough, I take time to think about how good God has really been to me.”

inSpirit Church
– Jessica Kuncaitis

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