He makes all things new! The Dock Ministries stands to testify that we serve a faithful God who does all things well!
What a fantastic year we have had! After two years of Covid restrictions, we were able to fully open our facility and expand our program options. It’s been wonderful to see The Dock filled once again with student life and energy! Take a moment to celebrate His faithfulness with us as this phenomenal school year comes to a close!
- Over 250 students came through our doors this year.
- Approximately 2,160 after-school meals were served and a whole lot of candy was handed out!
- Our Rock-the-Dock pizza party event was spectacular and tripled our average attendance!!
- We welcomed 12 new volunteers to our team.
- Our new programs were a huge hit!
- A multitude of new partnerships were made including: Michigan State University, WKTV, Kent District Library, and Chick-Fil-A.
- Our individual donor base increased by 17%.
- Younger students are now being introduced to The Dock through our Cadets and GEMS programs.
- Partnerships with Cornerstone and Calvin Universities produced two social media interns.
- Our first Exito Educativo Pathways-to-College program was launched.
- A brand-new website is underway! Check it out at thedock.org.
We are excited for what God has in store for The Dock Ministries! This past year has added to a tremendous foundation for us to build upon.
This summer, we will be hosting a middle school boys basketball camp as well as an art camp taught by a local artist. Students will be painting a mural on our building under her tutelage. Our partnership with Camp Michawana is enabling us to send several students to a life-changing week at camp. Many of our students have never been away to camp before due to cost, however, Camp Michawana offered a 50% discount to Dock students. Generous donors provided the other 50%, which allows our students to attend for only $10! Truly a miracle!