Our Student Intern – Brian VanderBie has completed coordinating and leading our joint work days with our nested emerging French congregation. The French speaking congregation is giving praise to God for this new worship space and we are so grateful for our growing relationship with members of the French congregation. Their pastors have made a commitment to having Bi-lingual services so that we can increase our interactions and have members from our church join them for worship. This is a great blessing. Thank you for helping us be hospitable to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
On behalf of Kelloggsville Church and our emerging French church, the Global Christian Network Assembly lead by Pastor Mitogo, and Pastor Fran, and Pastor Ulrich, I want to extend a great big thank you to the committee and to the Classis of Grand Rapids South. Because of your generosity, we are pleased to say that we have had three joint work-days with members of our emerging French church, allowing us to get to know each other better, as fellow believers as we invested in working together and building respect for each other’s community and taking pride in a refreshed and re-purposed space for ministry and worship.
I had the privilege, last Sunday of worshiping with 43 of my brothers and sisters with their children who are members of our emerging Bilingual French church. As you can see from the pictures several members of the congregation who know English are translating the service, so it was my privilege to be part of the bilingual service.
This has been a significant change and commitment that has come out of our working together, and one of the long term results we are hoping for is that some members of Kelloggsville Church would sign up and make a commitment to worshiping with our emerging church on a monthly or bi-monthy bases.
It is our hope and prayer that this would significantly strengthen our investment and understanding and love for each other’s am members of Christ one body. In terms of our planned join work days we have completed the work we set out to accomplish together and rejoice in growing relationships that have come out of this process.
Let me just end by saying thank you, the committee has blessed us greatly by granting us the opportunity to turn our hearts to words our nesting churches and becoming energized by what God is doing among us.
Thank you for your generosity.
Sincerely, Kelloggsville Church’s “Nesting Church Committee” – Martin Benckhuysen, Len DeRooy, and Brian VanderMeulen