Discovery Christian Reformed Church

7245 Eastern Ave SE, Cutlerville, MI, 49508


Discovery Church is a place to belong.

With new believers, veterans of the faith, and everything in-between, congregants at Discovery are welcomed as they are, yet challenged to become who God wants them to be: a servant of the Kingdom, bringing Jesus' new life to the world around us.

Sunday morning services are just one aspect of Discovery Church's ministry to welcome, serve, and disciple their neighbors. Through regular neighborhood events like block parties, bonfires, holiday dinners, and even "dumpster days," Discovery reaches out to meet the physical needs of their neighbors and offers friendship and spiritual renewal. The church also financially and prayerfully partners with many international organizations serving our neighbors outside Grand Rapids.

If you attend Discovery regularly, you'll notice that they like to change things up and try new things. Sometimes that's as simple as rearranging the chairs in the sanctuary. Sometimes the whole service is restructured to make time for breakfast and guided discussion on the talk. Once or twice a year, Discovery worships at a park just to enjoy God's creation together. COVID-19 simply pushed Discovery further into that territory so that throughout 2020, there was a mix of online, outdoor, and live stream services, seeking to reach everyone who wished to worship no matter their risk level.

Discovery members are encouraged to worship, serve, & disciple wherever God has placed them and know that Discovery Church isn't just a place to go on Sundays; it's something to be part of.

Investments & Connections

  • Mobile Food Pantry

    One way that Discovery Church serves its community is in partnering with Feeding America to offer a monthly mobile food pantry on site, filling immediate needs for over 100 households. All ages volunteer to sort food, meet guests, and fill car trunks no matter the weather.

  • Just Show Up

    Every Wednesday evening, listeners gather (currently online) to hear dramatic readings of the Bible and carry on a practice going back to the Old Testament. Using the resources of Public Reading of Scripture, Just Show Up is a no-prep Bible Study open to all.

  • Alpha

    Alpha is a chance to explore and question the meaning of life. Over a series of eleven sessions, guests find out about the basics of the Christian faith. Discovery hosts Alpha every autumn.

Latest Talks

Found Here


Investments & Connections

  • Small Groups

    Small Groups are spreading throughout the congregation at Alger Park CRC. They meet in people’s homes, and are organized for various purposes. Some meet for Bible study, others for accountability, worship, or to engage in sports or specific hobbies. There are also groups aimed at people of specific times of life: young families, singles and couples in their 20s and 30s, senior citizens.

  • Childern & Students

    Alger Park CRC starts discipling their children young, with Little Lambs on Sunday mornings and Story Hour on Tuesday mornings. It continues through Sunday School and kicks into high gear on Wednesday evenings with GEMS and Cadets, when elementary students from the neighborhood and the congregation get to know each other. Every June, the church grounds and building are turned over to the large VBS program. Middle schoolers and high schoolers each have their own youth group, with regular meetings interspersed with lock-ins, retreats, backpacking trips, and service projects.

  • Disicipleship & Mentorship

    From the Deeper Roots Discipleship course, to the seven Bible studies for men and women, to the small household groups, Alger Park CRC seeks to give its members the message that they exist for God’s mission. Indeed, they have high participation in Kid’s Hope, a one-on-one academic mentoring program with students from Ken-o-Sha Elementary School, as well as with their own VBS.