Recently another family has connected to City Hope GR. Like many, this family previously felt there wasn’t a place for their child impacted by disability. The other week when we were talking they said how City Hope is a church with people where they see a different, unique sense of care and belonging.
Another short story is about a family impacted by disability who now has journeyed to a place where they’re wanting to be baptized. Previously their children had been very distant, but now after months of regular connecting with God and those who also call City Hope GR home, they have found not just acceptance but friendship as equal and necessary parts of the church. They’re seeing how God cares for and has a purpose for them, regardless of what they may have experienced before.
The last short story has to do with a family that is “neuro-typical.” As a church of “All abilities,” City Hope GR comes together as God’s people – whether we’re personally impacted by disability or not. This family has found that God is using them while also creating friendship they had not expected through those God is also using with disabilities, in their lives! This is God’s kingdom at work!
Submitted by
Dave Vander Woude