Campus Ministry @ Grand Rapids

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Each week, we prepare for the upcoming Sunday night worship gathering (“the Well”) with a team of student leaders and interns. We meet on Monday afternoons in a large community room on the PEW Campus to study the Word together, discuss points of interpretation and application, and develop the worship set. At the start of every meeting, we check in with each other, share some snacks, and then dive into studying the text for the Well.

After talking for a bit about sin and God’s grace, a student from another side of the room was leaving, but he stopped by our table and said, “I like what you guys are talking about. Are you a part of a group or something?” We were able to tell him about Campus Ministry and one of our students was able to exchange phone numbers with him. He is an international student who recently started graduate school at GVSU. We were able to bless him with snacks as he left and encourage him in his studies.

Since that encounter, he has started attending the Well in Grand Rapids on Sunday nights, studying the Word with us on Monday afternoons, and joined a midweek House Group with other students! Praise the Lord for opportunities to study the Word and pray together in the middle of a public university campus! God has been so faithful and kind to our community here in the city as he draws in students from all across the city. Thanks for being a part of it!

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