The other day, while working on details for a team meeting, I (Dave) received a text from someone interested in City Hope GR. They told me how grateful and excited they are about being part of what God is doing. They went on to tell me how important this is to them and then said there hasn’t been anything like this for them before (being impacted by disability). I shared how grateful we are as well and how much we look forward to having them. This person went on to say that City Hope GR is finally a place that can include them, as THEIR church home.
We have begun pre-launch services and have averaged 27 people. We are worshiping with all abilities included. The public launch (Grand Opening) began in October. The team is excited and God has been doing some incredible things.
One of our worship team people shared how grateful he is to be wanted and needed along with others. As a young man who is also affected by autism, he has often felt held on the fringe, but through City Hope GR he has felt equally valued and involved.
Submitted by Dave Vander Woude
Ministry Report for New Church Development