Alger Park Christian Reformed Church
2655 Eastern Ave SE Grand Rapids, MI
49507 (616)-452-9686
Alger Park Church strives to be a church in mission
Alger Park Church joins the Holy Spirit in God's radical movement by creatively growing in and living out the gospel of Jesus where we live, learn, work and worship.
The membership is multi-generational, offering people of every age a place to belong and contribute. They offer a variety of programming for young children and students, both on Sundays and during the week, including Quest kids program and middle and high school youth groups. For adults, there are small groups, discipleship programs, and Bible studies. Church-wide fellowship highlights include community meals, an annual potluck and a neighborhood picnic.
The church invests in the kids at Ken-O-Sha Elementary School through Kids Hope, a one-on-one mentoring program, and Hand2Hand, a ministry which provides children with a backpack of nutritious food over the
Together they engage in worship, acts of service, generosity, environmental stewardship, community building, mentoring, and education. They are privileged to work with God in the Alger Heights/Garfield Park neighborhoods, in all the places we live and work, and around the world.