You may have seen it on Television or in a Civil War movie. The officer stands erect while another authority figure tears the amulets of the man’s shoulder, accepts his sword and, with flair, breaks it across his knee. There! It’s done! The stripped officer is no longer an officer, whatever authority was vested and symbolized in his uniform and sword is now gone, no longer recognized for all to see. A significant change has taken place! Neither one is smiling!
So it was somewhat similarly on Thursday, December 14th, 2023 when Pastor Paul Sausser backed up to Stated Clerk George Vink’s garage, disassembled the solidly-metal five-drawer cabinet filled with highly-secretive if not sensitive files, and authoritatively took them to his truck to be taken to his home. From there, both men moved to George’s office and computer. Inserting the needed “Thumb drive,” Paul, with a superiority over anything technical deftly demonstrated, proceeded to transfer copious selected files to be taken with him. All this occasioned by his now being the newly-authorized keeper and transmitter of Grand Rapids South Classis’ years of records. To these were added folders and other elements unique to the necessary, efficient and authoritative activities of a Christian Reformed Classis’ Stated Clerk. Both were smiling!
Classis GRSouth looks forward to the work that Paul Sausser will be doing on its and the CRC denomination’s behalf. George Vink assumed the task after he’d retired from congregational work, and enjoyed it as an opportunity to remain involved, utilizing his years of experience and work in several other classes. Now he looks forward to additional traveling and writing while remaining in contact with the pastors of GRSouth in his capacity as Regional Pastor. Clearly, Classis GRSouth works and serves Christ’s Church by way of people’s using their gifts, also enriching their own lives as they do so.
– George Vink