One of the things we have started in worship at City Hope GR is inviting each other to share the closing blessing and participate, as able. Specifically, we invite those interested to come forward to help and for everyone able to place their hands (or in their hearts if physically unable) in an open and outward position, in order to symbolize the release of things we have been carrying and then receive God’s blessing.
Instead of “the Pastor” being the one who always has to do the blessing, we do it and repeat it together. Sometimes only a few people come forward to help, sometimes there are enough that we fill the front, but no matter who chooses to come forward to help, we ALL participate.
This has become another small but powerful way we receive from God, empower belonging, and care for each other as we live out our God identity as “The Church.”
-Dave Vander Woude
What church is this?
Hi Bernita. It is City Hope GR. I added that to the article as it wasn’t included in their initial text. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.