Last October in the Comunidad Cristiana Internacional CRC, we had the blessing of baptizing six new disciples. We are also preparing another group of new disciples who will be baptized by the end of this year.
We earnestly ask you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for your prayers and support for this ministry to continue moving forward. At Comunidad Cristiana Internacional CRC, we are completely focused on reaching the lost, baptizing them and discipling them so, that they can also win others according to the great commission established by our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the beginning of next December, we will be making our first missionary trip to visit and consolidate six new churches that we have planted in Venezuela through social networks and also visit another church that we have planted in the Capital of Chile – also planted through social networks.
Submitted by Robert Garcia
New Church Development Ministry Report
Thank you for your prayers, I wanted to make a brief clarification, the baptisms took place last month, that is; October of this year 2022 and the next baptisms will take place at the end of next month, that is; December 2022 and finally, our first missionary trip to consolidate the new churches planted, is this December, 2022.
Thank you for your support.
Pastor Robert.