Disciple a beautiful group of believers

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, receive an affectionate greeting in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through this letter, we want to communicate to you that despite the situation of the pandemic, the plantation of Comunidad Cristiana Internacional continues to advance and grow as a church.

With the help of the Lord, we have been able to consolidate and disciple a beautiful group of believers including some church neighbors. I would like to briefly share three examples of what the Lord is doing through Comunidad Cristiana Internacional.

First, we have begun live streaming our Sunday service on Facebook. This virtual service has been well received by church family and local contacts, as well as by some in other countries! As a result of our weekly live streamed service, small groups of believers have formed in three countries, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela. From Venezuela, at the end of December 2020, we received a couple of those leaders, Luis and Yelimar, who are active and faithful working in favor of CCI.

Second, with the necessary precautions due to Covid-19, we have been visiting the homes of Hispanic families to share the gospel with them. In one of these homes in Wyoming, a young couple made confession of faith!

And finally, a theological, evangelistic, and practical training school has been established to shape leaders, who, in turn, will train others in order to multiply the disciples and expand the Kingdom of God. We ask for your prayers for this ministry, to continue reaching out to the Wyoming/Grand Rapids Hispanic community.

Being a young, small church, we face financial difficulties. We urgently need the support of our sister church in prayer and financial support. If the Lord moves their hearts to help us with a donation, we will be deeply grateful. Electronic donations can be made at communitycrc.org/give.

Submitted by Robert Kennedy García
New Church Development Ministry Report

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