These last few months have been a challenge for the Outreach Ministry, as we try to develop new ways of reaching out to people and planning events that meet social distancing requirements and follow the guidelines set up for Covid safety. During this time, we have been focusing more on phone calls and cards, outside home visits, and various drive-thru church sponsored events.
With the assistance of the GIA fund, Outreach has been able to coordinate and help in such events as our drive-thru VBS, planning and executing a church neighborhood weekly prayer walk, and the planning of an outdoor Covid safe Trunk or Treat -along with volunteers from our partnership with Cascade Fellowship CRC and West Godwin Elementary.
Despite the challenges we are facing with current health and safety guidelines, our Outreach Ministry continues to be committed to finding new opportunities and ways to connect with and meet the needs of those in and around our church neighborhood, to disciple them, and to help guide them into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Ministry report submitted by Robin Claussen