So with the complexities of doing ministry in the covid reality Monroe Community Church doubled down on prayer and outreach.
Since mid-March we have hosted a weekly 30 minute prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. We get between 12-20 people each week, it has been a rich experience (Ok, a few clunkers in there but that’s to be expected)
We dedicate one evening a month to outreach prayers, supporting our Alpha team and guests. We also emphasized retooling our Alpha ministry to go exclusively online. We trained during the summer, hosted a test Alpha, trained our teams, and streamlined our technology. This fall we launched our Alpha online. We had 16 guests register, about 12 show up each week. We are running two small groups. Many of our guests have never really encountered the gospel at this depth ever. Our guests are talkative (most of the time, some weeks a little quiet), friendly, and engaged. One volunteer said “This is the best Alpha I have ever been a part of”. We are greatly encouraged.
On a side note, Alpha is a very patient process. A year ago we hosted an in person Alpha with about 20 guests. One guest attended and was quiet the whole 10 weeks, never spoke.
This past Sunday she gave her life to Christ. Hallelujah!
Ministry Update by Jim Boer