What is City Hope GR?
City Hope GR is an emerging and different new church for all abilities in greater Grand Rapids.
How will it work?
People of all abilities, that is, all humanity is made in the image of God. We know that God desires humanity to receive His gift of grace, as we love and follow after Him. We also know that in loving God, we are called to love one another. As we learn about the greatness of God, together we will discover how He has gifted and called us into greater purpose, each being valued and cared for by our Creator.
Some of the ways we believe this can be lived out is through:
- Equal opportunities (that is, for those with and without special needs), in children’s ministries, jr. & sr. high, singles and couples in the life of the church.
- Worship that includes those with and without special needs (mild, moderate and profound) -Creating opportunities for each person to use their gifts and grow in their walk with Christ, one another and our community.
- Friendship Mentoring
- Respite Care
- Additional advocacy care for all individuals and their families – throughout various stages of life. -Inviting and training partner churches throughout the region and country to participate and multiply with us.
What makes it different?
City Hope GR is a church for All Abilities. We believe that God has called this church to minister with a focus on including those with and without special needs in the full life of the church – discovering our gifts, growing in, worshiping and experiencing the greatness of God through who He has made all of us to be as equal image bearers of Christ.
Are you excited? Might you sense a call to partner in what God is doing?
What is happening now?
1) We have individuals committed to the Core Team with additional people also sensing God’s prompting. It is an exciting time! We are praying for a Core Team of 8 adults by the end of December.
2) Mentoring/coaching for the new plant is now official with Eric Petersen of Benjamin’s Hope.
3) We are in process of raising support through the end of 2020, believing God will provide for 2021.
4) We are excited about two additional connections with community organizations serving those with special needs.
5) Another family with special needs is very interested in City Hope. We are offering an info gathering at the end of October for organizations, individuals and families interested in learning more.
6) Another church has invited me to come and share, as we see God connecting deep partnerships.
What’s next?
Here are some partnership opportunities:
We need daily prayer as we boldly step, doing the work in this new and different church plant.
1) Prayers of provision – that God would continue to help connect us to individuals and families that need this church.
2) Prayers for Core Team development
3) Prayers for protection – we know Satan is also hard at work
4) Prayers for financial provision – we trust that the Lord will provide
Providing occasional prepared food
Use of space for informational and community events (while the shared facility is in process)
Between now and December 31, 2020, we’re prayerfully hoping to raise $142,480, which includes build-out costs of our shared space with Monroe Community Church.
Learn more about City Hope GR: hopegr@gmail.com
Ministry report submitted by Dave VanderWoude