Luke 10: 1 | By Jolene DeHeer
One of the definitions of the word “appointed,” is “to be chosen.” What a beautiful phrase! To be chosen gives one the feeling of acceptance, worth, and belonging. It instills confidence and purpose into our lives. Fifty years ago, David DeHeer chose me to be his wife. I still vividly remember the profound joy of being his chosen one. However, there is a choosing, an appointing, that is far greater than being chosen by another person. Our verse reminds us that it is the LORD who chooses and appoints people to join Him. We join Him in the work of restoration and transformation by sharing the good news of the gospel. Further examination of the word “appointed” reveals these synonyms: commissioned, designated, authorized, anointed, and consecrated. What an honor and privilege to be one of the appointed ones chosen by Christ!
This high and holy calling humbles us and can also intimidate us. However, the good news is that Christ does not appoint us and then abandon us. He sends us out in the power of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” At the appointed time, God formed us in our mother’s womb and gave each of us unique personalities and talents. At the appointed time, He called us to salvation through Christ’s shed blood and sacrifice. At the appointed time, He uniquely qualified each of us for kingdom work. At the appointed time He now sends us out to do that work, (don’t miss this part!) which He already prepared for us to do. How exciting is that?!
This great good news frees us to be who we were appointed to be, and doing the work we were appointed to do. We need not rely on our own power, but instead we have complete dependence on His power at work in and through us. Let us go boldly, confidently, and joyfully into each new day as Christ’s appointed disciples.
You are appointed and sent by Christ. Ask Him every morning to put at least one person in your path that day who needs to experience God’s grace and ask Him to clearly show you how He wants to use you in that person’s life.
Lord, we humbly thank you for the blessing of being appointed by you. Thank you for giving our lives purpose and power. Thank you for the opportunity to be used by you to spread the good news of salvation through your blood. May your kingdom come, and your will be done through me. Amen.
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